Hi guys !! This is my e-primbon. Semua yang ada di blog ini adalah hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan pelajaran B.Inggris. Tapi, maklum aja yaa kalau isinya kurang lengkap. Yang nulis kan juga masih belajar. Hhee... Bagi kalian yang mau melengkapi atau kurang setuju dengan isinya, kalian comment aja di topiknya. Okay !


Invitation is a request (spoken or written) to go to a place or do something.
There are two types of invitation :
a. Formal Invitation
Formal invitation is usually originate from Institutes, Companies, and a kind of it. Normally, formal invitation is written invitation.
b. Informal Invitation
Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.
¯ Extending Expressions
§ Please come inside !
§ Would you come to my brother’s party tomorrow?
§ Can you drop by my house after school?
§ If you’re not busy, please come to my cafĂ©.
§ Would you like to go out with me this evening?
J The words with italicize form can be change.
¯ Accepting Expressions
§ Absolutely, I’ll come.
§ I’ll be glad to take your invitation.
§ Surely, I would.
§ I won’t miss it.
§ It sounds interesting.
¯ Declining Expressions
§ I like it, but I’m not sure I can go.
§ I’m sorry, I can’t.
§ I love it, but I won’t be here next week.
§ I’m afraid I can’t go to your party.
§ I’d like to, but I’m not sure I can go.