Hi guys !! This is my e-primbon. Semua yang ada di blog ini adalah hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan pelajaran B.Inggris. Tapi, maklum aja yaa kalau isinya kurang lengkap. Yang nulis kan juga masih belajar. Hhee... Bagi kalian yang mau melengkapi atau kurang setuju dengan isinya, kalian comment aja di topiknya. Okay !


Appointment is an arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place.

>>     Making an Appointment
*      I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Kevin.
*      Would you like to arrange for a personal interview?
*      I’d like you to come and see Mr. Joe.
*      I’m going to call an engineer to come this afternoon.
*      Let’s make plans to go shopping next Saturday.

>>     Accepting an Appointment
*      All right, see you there.
*      No problem, I’m free on… (Saturday)
*      Be there on time.
*      I’ll wait for you.
*      It’s a deal.

>>     Canceling an Appointment
*      I couldn’t keep the appointment because I was sick.
*      I’m sorry. I’m very busy.
*      I’m so sorry, I have to put of our appointment.
*      I’m sorry, I can’t keep the appointment.
*      I’m afraid I have to postpone my appointment with Dr. Nicholas.

>>     Rescheduling an Appointment
*      I want to change my appointment from Monday to Friday.
*      Can I reschedule for Monday afternoon or any time Tuesday?
*      I want to postpone my interview to Saturday.
*      Can I move my appointment tomorrow?
*      Do you have another time this evening?

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